
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Opportunity to share in the bounty of our Organic Garden

Today has been a very busy day of planning this years organic garden. Not only are we doubling the size from last year, but we are also planting a separate garden just for the watermelon and cantaloupe. We had so much watermelon last year, that it even traveled into the neighbors yard. I made watermelon popsicles, ice cream, salsa and we gave everyone that came to our house one!

After our field trip to Marshall Grain, we realized that bigger also means more money!! Last year we spent about $50.00 on plants and seeds, and with all of the improvements as well as the size we are looking at between $200-$300 dollars.

The Texas heat is brutal, so we are putting up a cover so that the plants will get the morning and early afternoon sun, but won't be baking in the hot afternoons.  A small fence will be put around it so the dogs aren't able to get in the garden and help themselves to the veggies! And we are adding a small compost area.

We will be following the Dirt Doctor's guidelines for soil preparation as well as the monthly maintenance he recommends. Last year we just tilled the space, planted, weeded and watered and prayed that it will all work out. The garden was very bountiful, but with the knowledge we have gained over the fall researching and reading everything our good friend Lisa posts, we now know how to make it even better!

My husband is working on the spreadsheet right now for the 800 square foot space we are creating, and he just informed me that there is room for 60 plants!!!

The plants need to get into the ground very soon based on the planting calendar. We will be tilling and preparing the soil this week and hope to start planting next week.

Last year we had so much produce that even after using it for my clients in my personal chef business, we ended up giving it away!!  To help offset the cost, I am creating a shared garden plan that would be available for 6 local people.

Here is how it would work:

  • One time love offering of $55.00
  • We do all of the work :)
  • Each time we pick veggies it would be split into 6 shares
  • I will email you and you can pick it up
Since we are just the home gardeners, it would not be like a food co op with pre set pick up dates. We would be relying on Mother Nature to determine when and how much!!

Here is a list of what we are planting (as of now)

  • Tomatoes (cherry, roma and pear)
  • Bell Peppers
  • Jalapenos
  • Banana Peppers
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Radishes
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pumpkin
  • Snap Peas, Pole Peas

Last years bounty.....The giant veggie on the right is a zucchini!

I would love to have you share in this journey of home grown organic food with us. I will also provide recipes for the veggies that are in season! If you are interested, send me an email to and I can send you a pay pal link! 

Just a days worth of picking

1 comment:

  1. Oh' I love green and I love reading your post. Actually it inspires me to be a private chef in austin someday. Thanks for sharing!
