
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Food for Life now offers an Employee Wellness Program

Last year I had the honor of being selected to become a Certified Food For Life Instructor for PCRM. I was so thrilled to be a part of this great organization. When I first started on a plant based diet, I attended a FFL Cooking Class, taught by Katherine Lawrence. I had been eating a vegan diet to help with the symptoms of Crohns disease for a few years.  During that first class I knew that someday I wanted to be able to share my journey with others and help educate them about the benefits of a plant based diet. I later had the opportunity to volunteer behind the scenes of several of Katherine's classes and over the years we have become great friends!

Shortly after becoming certified as an instructor, I began having complications with my Sarcoidois. The disease had spread into my lungs making it very challenging to teach classes. It has taken some time to reduce the inflammation, but I am happy to report that my lungs are clear and life is good!
 I am so thrilled that PCRM has developed the Employee Wellness Program. When I worked for the City of Bedford I was on the Wellness Committee and would have loved to had this program to offer to the city employees. In fact that will be one of the places I approach about offering this!

Information about the program:

Did you know that people with chronic health issues miss an average of 42 days of work a year. Making the right food choices is key to the prevention and survival of chronic diseases and health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

By offering PCRM's Food for Life: Employee Wellness Program, employers can lead the way to facilitating an office culture of health and wellness that employees can carry into their lives at home.

The program will provide you with the following:

  • Plant based nutrition education and cooking classes that include cooking demonstrations, samples of delicious dishes, and supportive group discussion 
  • Support for the companies management on incorporating affordable healthful choices in the food services
  • Resources on assessing the bio-metrics of program participants
This can be offered during a 1 hour lunch and learn session over a series of 9 weeks, or can be customized to fit your needs.

 Please contact me at if you would like more information about bringing this program to your workplace.